
The Workshop on Optimization, Game Theory, and Data Analysis 2018 (OGDA 2018) will be held at the University of Vienna from 20-21 December 2018 in order to celebrate the 60th birthday of Immanuel Bomze. The scientific program will consist of invited talks given by some of his collaborators, thus reflecting Manuel's broad scientific interests and activities and his numerous contributions to various areas of applied mathematics. A panel discussion will be organized as well. Participation is free of charge, but registration until December, 7 is required due to a limited number of admissions.



To register please send an email containing information about your personal data, affiliation, and whether you plan to attend both days (deadline: 7.12.2018)


Organizing Committee

Irene Klein

Vera Lehmwald

Markus Leitner

Ivana Ljubic

Mario Ruthmair

Werner Schachinger 


This workshop is generously supported by